Danielle Outside for Beautica Magazine.

Shot on location, before the winter weather got crazy, featured in the Winter Issue of Beautica Magazine #10, the Beauty Edition.

Model is Danielle with Alaeria Agency.

Wardrobe, creative direction and photography, yours truly.

Mural self promo video.

So I have been working on going big with my drawings for the past few years. I wanted to wrap up all of that work in one video, so I did.

I would love to know what you think. It took me a minute to collect all of the footage and again more minutes to cut it together.

It has been a wild ride and I am honestly grateful for the pause COVID gave me because that pause gave me a re-set that I needed and it gave me the opportunity to realize that I can go big with my work and it gave me a whole new community too.

Source: https://youtu.be/0uRmzEnq_Gg

Lost at Sea

Lauren, in the ocean on film and in digital too. Sometimes we have to get lost in order to be found again. To let lost we go to the sea and drift, let the water flow into our ears and onto our skin to block out the noise all around. We listen to the sea and we let it fill in the blanks.

And then we move forward, again and again.


Have you ever used it?

It’s free with any Adobe Subscription, and with that subscription comes the option to post a website.

So guess what, I have a Behance website I have been creating since 2016 because I posted projects there since then. Easiest site I ever created.

Thanks, Behance, check it out! https://deannaflinn.myportfolio.com/

A new stockist, well a return to a stockist with some new product.

Do you know what a stockist is? It took me a minute to realize what it was but it’s kinda simple. It’s a store that carries your stock and I am so happy to announce I am back at Hunter and Hare.

I ran into Mickey, one of the amazing people who started the consignment shop recently and let her know that I have been upcycling and embroidering denim.

The pairs featured below are available in store now for you to try on, they retail for $100 each. The denim is upcycled and super soft. Stop by, say Hi and try a pair on, they will feel like you never want to take them off.

Now that fall is on the horizon it might be a perfect time to pick up your new favourite pair of jeans.

Summer time

Sometimes the season takes over and you get lost in the sunshine or the timeline of the day.

(I also spent a couple of weeks with COVID and heat exhaustion, so the end of July and the beginning of August have been a slowing down and healing time for me.)

I have been doing just that, and I know I have been talking about growth and change for a very long time now and I am feeling those a lot more lately. I know that sounds bizarre but I am in the middle of something big and trying to give myself some time to bring this change to life.

I am doing a lot of work on myself personally and those changes are reflected back in my work. I am not patient by nature, so giving myself time and space for this growth is tough. Learning about self-compassion is throwing me for a loop and that might sound strange but it is knit into a larger change I have been working on for the past year with a therapist. Mental health is just as important as physical health to me and seeing someone to help me sort out my feelings and aspirations is as natural to me as going to my Doctor to see for a specific health problem.

There were a lot of signs that I needed to reach out and when I did the can of worms opened so now I am working with those worms to see where everything wants to go so it can continue to grow.

So this is more of a state of the union kind of post and that’s ok. I struggled to discover what to say today so here we are, talking about personal stuff that may be uncomfortable to read. I can promise you I am very uncomfortable, doing the work and growth isn’t easy and I am finding ways to keep moving forward.

The thing with going through personal changes is that it is reflected back into your practice. Cameras don’t hide anything so using them as a tool to express or change it confronts what is going on because it reflects everything back to you. Each frame is a dialogue of what is going on.

I have more art to share in future posts. Right now I encourage you to visit Visual Space Gallery and enjoy their summer art show. You will find my upcycled clothing there and denim too, the gallery would love to see you.