Yes, I am. I turned 50 on July 5th and you know what I love my birthday.

This year made me love it even more because the celebrations are stretching into the month and the outpouring of love has me feeling so grateful that when I am opening my eyes in the morning I speak gratitude before anything else. Try it, it will change everything and bring so much more to you to be grateful for.

I have a friend who I have been paddling with for over a year now, we met during the pandemic and started to paddle our kayaks together. Now we both have paddleboards and continue our adventures outside of English Bay.

Knowing that I love my birthday we planned an adventure. the location was a surprise and all I had to do was drive. So drive I did, and the reveal was incredible. As we passed Cultus lake she was wondering if I knew where we were going but because my geography is so terrible I didn’t so I said no. Then 30 minutes later we were in our camping spot, exploring and inflating our boards to get out on the lake. The glacier water is beautiful emerald green and perfect for a dip on a really hot day.

The second day found us hiking to Linden Lake, the journey up the mountain was arduous but getting to the top and taking another dip in the icy glacier water was worth it.

We have paddled in Stave Lake, Pitt Meadows and now Chilliwack Lake. Another bonus of this fabulous friend is she loves to plan menus and prepare the food, so her gift was an entire spread over 3 days including individual cakes for each of us to share on the big day. Complete with champaign too. Remember my gratitude, it goes above and beyond what I can express here. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I brought my film camera and 3 rolls of the new Kodak Colour Plus film I picked up from Beau Photo.

To everyone who made this birthday so damn special, thank you, thank you, thank you. I am over the moon with gratitude and so excited for this decade. Age is to be welcomed and celebrated ladies, not hidden or fibbed about.

So the next time you see me feel free to give me a hug. I am double vaccinated and welcome a big squeeze anytime.

Self Portraits.

I did a series for 130 days of self-portraits during lockdown spurred by Jennifer Moher a photographer I have admired for years. Her work is stunning, check it out.

I recently shaved my head and started to do another series of self-portraits, maybe I will create another series.

Here is a Facebook Post I wrote to share the story behind this decision and to also take the shock away from those around me.

Alright, guys, I didn't shave my head because I lost the plot. Since a lot of you are exhibiting a lot of shocked reactions when you see me I thought I would give the backstory here.

Before I start, this change has made me feel like a superhero so when you see me keep that in mind. Ok, here's the story.

I have had grey hair since high school and started to dye my hair in my early 30's. I did that for ages and would always feel self-conscious about my roots. I spent a lot of cash on covering them professionally then I started to box dye. For years.

I had a really bad breakup when I lived in Toronto and bleached my hair in my friend's kitchen. She actually had to go out and get another bleach kit during the whole process. It was a nightmare.

The breakup was devastating, we were planning a future together and had been friends since 2005, this was 2013. We dated for a long time and he eventually just left. He couldn't tell me that he didn't want to spend his life with me so he left. I broke and reacted by doing something crazy with my hair.

My friend's brother 'fixed' it as best he could and I paid him by dog-sitting his Great Dane Stuart when he went to his timeshare in Florida.

I was blonde for a while then started to pull it back to my natural colour, dark brown with a lot of red. I found a box dye I liked and used it for years. #75 Belle Colour. I have 4 boxes if anyone wants them-pandemic stockpiling doesn't always call for toilet paper.

I have been thinking about doing this for over a year now and doing the research too. Learning about how people react and how you might feel afterwards.

So I have not lost the plot. I am coming up on another milestone birthday and I want to celebrate it as me. I don't want to dye my hair anymore, be self-conscience about roots or hide under a colour.

This is me.

So keep your hair on the next time you see me.


I will change my profile pic soon, just taking a few self-portraits and choosing the one I want.

Has there been a big change in your life that you felt you just wanted and really didn’t want to explain?

It snowed.

Vancouver photographer spots snow on a morning walk along the seawall. The West Coast is experiencing some colder temperatures and the occasional snowflake flies. Captured by Deanna Flinn of Free Admission Photography.

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I rented a studio

I rented a studio and worked with some models and natural light to begin my new year and set the tone for my big goals. I found this spot on This Open Space and I highly recommend using the site to find a studio rental.

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Hello 2021, happy to be here

Hello 2021 welcome, Free Admission Photography is glad to see you. We are looking forward to making art with you this year and building our community too.

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